Explanation step-by-step plan for companies and self-employed persons

We are happy to guide you through the process of getting you or your company's employees ready to follow the GPI

Create account

To purchase login code(s), you first need an account. On this page you can register as a company or candidate

Entering details

Enter your details below to create an account.

The password must meet the following requirements:

▪ minimal 15 characters

▪ 1 letter (a t/m z)

▪ 1 capital letter (A t/m Z)

▪ 1 number (0 t/m 9)

▪ 1 special character (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/)

▪ a new password cannot be the same as the previous 25 passwords
Note: Fields with a * are compulsory.

Check details